{The mantle... playing around with some arrangements. Don't worry, I'll repot the plants out of plastic}
I'm in the middle of styling my house for a photo shoot taking place tomorrow. I'm having it done by photographer Helen Norman so my portfolio will look a little better to prospective clients. There's just something about professional photography that makes a room look so much better than any picture you can take yourself. (well. myself anyway.)
What's SCARY about this is we're doing one shoot on one day in time and as you can imagine, my house doesn't looks the same for very long. So how do I decide how I want it??!! It will be forever immortalized on my website (ok, or for as long as I have a website) and I want it to look its best. Sort of like a bride on her wedding day. I want it to be the epitome of my style. (which is ever-changing, hence, the difficulty here.) How do I decide??!!!
It's go-time so I have to run but I'll share pics when I can!!!

ps- Don't worry, I'll wipe the baby's fingerprints off the mirror!!
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.