Now, we can all easily join the cause by clicking here. All of the money raised through the blogging community today will be going towards the building of dorms for about 200 Laotian girls who need a safe place to stay to replace the dangerous makeshift bamboo huts they currently live in. They're taking a huge risk by living in these huts just so they can attend school & today we could elminate it for them. They For more information on Pencils of Promise, click here: http://www.pencilsofpromise.org/ .

This blog is devoted to making our homes & lives simple, beautiful and happy & often focuses on trivial things like pretty fabrics and floors... but we all know that life is about so much more than that. If we can all just give a little- even a $1- the blogging community can make a huge impact & change the lives of so many kids... helping them have a better future, more like the one our own children have ahead of them. If you have the time, please consider it.