I KNOW everyone knows that Eddie Ross & Jaithan Kochar are touring around the US taking people on flea market tours, but I just wanted to remind any DC-area readers that they're coming here in September & to sign up fast before all the spots are taken!!

Saturday, September 19 — 11:00 am (I'm going to this one)
Sunday, September 20 — 11:00 am
Check out more details & also dates for other cities
We met Eddie & Jaithan last fall at their very first flea market tour in NY. There were only 7 of us & it was just so much fun!! Check out Eddie's post on the trip
here. I had literally started blogging the month before & Eddie & Jaithan were so great at encouraging & inspiring me to stick with it. (That's at the point where pretty much only my grandmother & mother-in-law were reading it. haha) My take on the trip is
here (found some AWESOME (cheap!!) things.)

We all had such a great time that we got together again in the city just before they moved to the country. I was so excited to see them again, and-not gonna lie- their apartment in person!! It really was amazing to see what they did with such limited space. The ceilings were high and they used the most gorgeous gray- Brompton Gray by RL- on the walls. Mirrors & tons of white made the place sparkle like a little jewel box. I really loved it. They made us this awesome antipasto (which is actually my FAVORITE) with prosecco & pomegranite juice- yum!! and then we went out to this great little local restaurant where they were so sweet & served amazing food.

Eddie & I are both pretty high-energy and Jaithan & Dave are both really laid-back so Dave was laughing later on about how Eddie & I were just going nutty switching from subject to subject... It does get a bit ADD when you have so much to talk about with other design-lovers. haha (same with meeting Camila!) Also, before I'd met them, I had no idea how much Jaithan knew about design. He went to school for itand has an amazing eye and his knowledge (like Eddie's) is insane. It's no wonder they've taken off!!! They're both so sweet- when we were considering buying the farm house, Jaithan gave me the lowdown on living in a farmhouse, they've been so great about encouraging me to get my work out there & helping along the way, and they've been great friends to just get excited with. Hahaha ok, before this sounds stalkerish, I'll go.

When we went to their place last time, I was just getting into blogging & forgot to take any pics, but I definitely will in September when they come to stay with us for a night at our new place!!! (Really gotta get my house, above, in shape before September ahh!!! haha ;) We can't wait, as they really are so much fun to hang with. It should be a busy fun-filled weekend!!! I'm planning on going to the Saturday flea market tour so sign up!!! If you're going to be there, send me an email!!! :)